Underage Gaming Policy

At Shazam Casino, we are firmly committed to providing a safe and responsible gaming environment. One of the cornerstones of this commitment is our proactive stance on underage gaming. This Underage Gaming Policy outlines our stringent measures to prevent individuals who are below the legal gambling age from accessing our services, as well as our educational efforts to raise awareness about the risks associated with underage gambling. This policy also highlights the steps we take to ensure that our platform remains a secure and enjoyable space for adult players.

The Legal Gambling Age

The legal gambling age varies from one jurisdiction to another. In most places, the minimum age for gambling is 18 years or older, while some regions require individuals to be at least 21. Shazam Casino adheres to these regulations and enforces strict age verification processes to confirm that all players are of legal gambling age in their respective jurisdiction. By using our services, you are confirming that you meet the legal age requirements for gambling in your location.

Age Verification

To guarantee that individuals accessing our platform are of legal gambling age, we employ robust age verification processes. Our registration procedures include collecting personal information and conducting identity checks. During the registration process, we require users to provide details such as their full name, date of birth, and contact information. We may also request additional identification documents, such as government-issued ID cards or passports, to confirm the player’s age.

Monitoring and Enforcement

Our dedicated team continuously monitors user activity to identify any potential cases of underage gaming. Suspicious patterns or behaviors are thoroughly investigated, and we reserve the right to request further age verification documentation when deemed necessary. If a user is found to be underage or has provided false information, their account will be suspended, and any winnings or deposits will be forfeited.

Parental Control Measures

We encourage parents and guardians to utilize parental control software and tools to prevent underage individuals from accessing online gambling platforms. These tools allow parents to block access to gambling websites and educate their children about the potential risks associated with gambling.

Educational Resources

Education is a key component of our strategy to combat underage gaming. We provide informative resources on our website to raise awareness about the risks of gambling for underage individuals. These resources include articles, guides, and links to organizations specializing in youth gambling prevention. We encourage parents, teachers, and caregivers to share this information with young people and engage in open dialogues about responsible gaming.

Self-Exclusion Options

In the rare event that an underage individual gains access to our platform, we offer self-exclusion options to allow them to voluntarily suspend their account. This feature provides a means for individuals to take a break from gambling activities and seek support if they believe they have a gambling problem.

Reporting Underage Gambling

We rely on the cooperation of our community to help maintain a secure gaming environment. If you suspect that an underage individual is accessing our services, we encourage you to report this immediately. Our support team is available to handle reports and will take swift action to investigate and address any concerns related to underage gaming.

Responsible Gaming Organizations

Shazam Casino collaborates with reputable responsible gaming organizations to strengthen our commitment to preventing underage gaming. We support and promote the efforts of organizations that provide educational resources and assistance to individuals and families affected by youth gambling.


Preventing underage gaming is a vital part of our responsible gaming approach at Shazam Casino. We believe that every player should have the opportunity to enjoy a safe and enjoyable gaming experience, free from the risks associated with underage gambling. By strictly enforcing age verification processes, offering educational resources, and encouraging responsible gaming, we aim to foster a secure gaming environment for all adult players.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Underage Gaming Policy or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. Your feedback and cooperation are invaluable in helping us maintain a secure gaming platform for all our players. Thank you for choosing ShazamCasino.org as your trusted gaming destination.