Casino Account Validation

shazam casino account validation

Are you a gambler seeking a seamless and secure gaming experience? Shazam Casino Validation is your way to go! This cutting-edge verification process is designed to ensure the safety of Shazam Casino’s players. So, no more waiting for tedious manual checks or fretting about your personal information – Shazam Account Validation has your back. But how can you validate your Shazam Casino Account? In this blog, we will discover how to validate your account to keep the fun going while staying secure. Let’s dive in. 

How to Validate Your Shazam Casino Account

It is only possible to verify your Shazam Casino account after making your first deposit. After you have done it, you will receive a phone call from a customer support representative. To get through the identity verification process, you will need to confirm all of the personal and payment details over the phone: 

  • your full name;
  • date of birth;
  • full physical address;
  • email address;
  • your phone number;
  • the last 4 digits of the credit card you used and the deposit amount;
  • oh, and to make sure, they will ask if you are the cardholder of the card you used.

Remember that these questions are only for your Shazam Casino Validation. After successfully answering these, customer support will proceed with your account validation. 

Now, when you’re ready to withdraw, there are a few documents you’ll have to send in. The documents they need are:

  • a copy of your identification document (driver’s license or passport) front and back;
  • copies of any credit/debit cards you successfully used, front and back;
  • customer support will provide you with a simple Card Authentication Form. Just fill it out, sign, and date it if you deposited with a Credit/Debit Card;
  • fill out and sign the Withdrawal Application form;
  • submit a document with your physical address and name visible. This may be a utility or medical bill –make sure it’s not older than two months.

Remember, these documents are necessary for withdrawals, so keep them handy.

Benefits of Account Validation

At Shazam Casino, verifying your account is a must to join in the fun. However, there are a few treats that come with Shazam Casino Validation. After you have verified your account, you can score cashback bonuses to level up your gambling experience. Also, validation allows you to cash out your hard-earned winnings without hassle. These are just a few benefits of Shazam Casino Validation – many bonus offers are also waiting!